Alternative Energy Innovations (AEInnova) is a Catalan SME specialised in developing high technology products and services based on the collection of energy from waste heat, to preserve the planet's resources promoting respect for the environment.

AEInnova contacted ACCIÓ to participate to a Disruptour workshop coorganised with the Catalan cluster of energy efficency. The disruptour was focused on a virtual immersion stays in local ecosystems of innovation and enterpreneurship of Honk Kong/Shenzhen, Israel and the East Coast of the United States. Startups, international corporations of incubation/acceleration and other agencies and experts have participated in the sessions and explained their experiences in innovation and disruption.
In 2022, AEInnova was awarded a grant of 12,000€ to carry out an industrial sensorisation pilot for the prediction of breakdowns in machines with vibrations from another company, Gomà-Camps.
Also, in 2022 we invited AEInnova to participate in the brokerage event in the framework of the Smart City Expo World Congress that we organized. They had the chance to meet with ATR Advance Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR).
AEInnova was able to participate in the KGAP+ Program, the acceleration Program in Keihanna Science City, where it aroused the interest of the Japanese company CBC Group. Afterwards, AEInnova was selected by EU- Japan to at the Green Mission organised at Decarbonisation Expo in March 2023, together with other EU companies. During the mission, the company made interesting contacts with Japanese companies and investors and had the occasion to “push” some ongoing previous contacts in the Japanese market (CBC group).
"It's a huge challenge because we had to adapt the device to the country's specificities, but it opens the door to a very important market due to its industrial strength and gives us the option to expand from here to other Asian countries."
Finally, AEInnova and CBC Group signed an agreement to supply with AEInnova devices as CBC Group did not have a battery and work autonomously, taking advantage of the same heat from the industrial environment, turning it into clean and sustainable electricity. These sensors monitor the vibrations of the machinery and allow predictive maintenance to be carried out by alerting when the failure will occur to avoid the risks and costs that would mean having to stop the production process.
During summer 2023, the company started a pilot project to test its “Indu Eye” solution in Adeka’s production plants, a Japanese company from the agrofood sector. The first pilot is planned to run for 6 months, but the project is working satisfactorily and both companies and are planning to extend the pilot at industrial scale in the coming months. Moreover, Adeka is planning to show the results of the pilot projects in the coming Decarbonisation Expo 2024.
As a results obtained of the pilot project with Gomà-Camps, constitute a viable and sustainable option for the digital transformation of plants in the paper sector.
Additionally, the company signed a DNA with another Japanese company to test a Reverse engineering collaboration on Energy efficiency and selfpowered wireless IoT solutions in Japan. The project is currently ongoing, and first results are expected in the coming months. The name of the Japanese company is confidential.