ESINSA is a family business with 35 years of experience in manufacturing and providing sealing solutions to leading companies in the chemical, petrochemical and energy sectors among others.

In December 2020, the company undertook an EIMC (Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities) service, funded by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), to get advice in the field of innovation management, which enabled them to systematize innovation within their business and turn it into one of the hallmarks of their competitiveness.
The EIMC service identified that the company needed to improve its external communication. Consequently, ESINSA was recommended to carry out a diagnosis of its digital channels, to support the enterprise in the implementation of improvements to gain visibility on the internet and increase traffic on its website.
ESINSA requested this diagnosis, which was carried out in February 2021. This diagnosis analysed the current state of their website and their presence on social networks based on the following indicators: positioning of the website, the usability of the website, and user experience of the website. Esinsa made use of the results of the diagnosis to create the company's new website, which is currently operational.
The EIMC service had a complementary training program through ESADE and ACCIÓ, which was also funded by the EEN . This specialized course was aimed at company managers who wanted to lead innovation and accelerate the ability of their teams to adapt to changes.
ESINSA was selected to take part in the 2020 program, which covered topics such as:
- Identification and capture of strategic opportunities
- Characteristics of an innovative company
- Emerging technologies and technological trends
- Enhance collaboration with the ecosystem
- Management of business acceleration projects
- Leadership and management of people
- High performance team management
- Strategic management of change
"Thanks to EEN, we foster the innovation in our company and connect with strategic partners that have made grow our commercial network around Europe."
Last June 2021, ACCIÓ's EEN team organized the Brokerage Event (BE) “Indústria 4.0: tendiendo puentes entre Cataluña y América del Sur” with the support as co-organizers of EEN's Business Cooperation Centres (BCC) from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Uruguay. The objective of the event was to promote the transfer of technologies and capacities related to Industry 4.0 from Catalonia to South America, to catalyse the reindustrialization of the South American industrial fabric.
ACCIÓ managed the BE together with the South American BCC, facilitating 1 to 1 meetings between Catalan SMEs and companies from the third countries, and allowing Catalan enterprises to better know their local business culture, opportunities and support programs linked to Industry 4.0, due to the organization of 6 webinars. ESINSA was invited to participate as a speaker in the webinar called “SMEs digital transformation success stories”, where the enterprise spoke about the “Creation of a tutorial platform and its digitalised manual for the control of the placement of gaskets on flanges during technical stops”. This activity enabled ESINSA to both make themselves known and get to know an important international growth market that demands support to promote its reindustrialisation.
ESINSA also signed in 2021 a distribution agreement with the Swedish company ZAVA Tec to become a reseller for the Swedish enterprise's sealings. This agreement was achieved by means of an expression of interest made by ESINSA against a business offer partnering opportunity published by ZAVA Tec on the EEN platform.